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R49 Insulation Upgrade with Blown In Fiberglass Insulation – from 6 Inches to 16 Inches

Lori reached out to us because she was searching for a solution to her high cooling costs. Because her home felt uncomfortably warm during the extreme Central Valley summers, Lori felt like she had no other solution than to run her air conditioner constantly. She said that she felt her home wasn’t retaining the cool air, so her AC was turning on and off frequently throughout the day. We conducted an attic audit in her home and found that her insulation was low with only about 6 inches present. Lori decided to have us perform an insulation upgrade and add an additional 10 inches of insulation to bring her attic to an R49 level.

The job was only about 2 hours altogether. We expertly placed attic markers around the attic to ensure that we could accurately measure the amount of insulation to add. We then blew in an additional 10 inches of fiberglass insulation.

After the insulation upgrade, Lori and her family now enjoy a cooler home temperature during the summer months. Her home will also be warm and cozy during the winter, and her monthly heating and cooling costs will be lower by up to 30% for as long as she resides there.