Before & After

Tyson Energy Solutions Before & After Photos

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Attic Restoration - Full Extraction of Old Insulation, Air Sealing, Sanitizing, and Blown-In Fiberglass Insulation in Selma, CA

The homeowner reached out to us concerned about the unbearable heat in her house and her high cooling costs during the summer. She also expressed that she and her children had bad allergies, and was hoping that we could help. We took a look in her attic and found that she only had about 5-6 inches of old, dirty, cellulose insulation. There was also evidence of rodent activity. She decided on the spot that she wanted an attic restoration done.


We began the attic restoration by extracting and disposing of the old insulation. We then cleaned and sanitized the attic using Nisus DSV sanitizer. This is a concentrated disinfectant, cleaner, mildewstat, fungicide, and sanitizer that kills a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Once we had a clean area to work with, we pinpointed all areas where air leakage could occur and sealed those areas with closed-cell foam. This included all top plates, wire and plumbing penetrations, and registers. By sealing the attic, air is prevented from flowing between the attic and the home's living spaces. Additionally, we installed barriers at any potential rodent entry points to prevent them from accessing the attic. We cleared the soffit vents to ensure improved ventilation of the attic space.


We increased the level of insulation in the attic by blowing in premium, Johns Manville fiberglass insulation to a height of 14 inches. This provided the Energy Star recommended R38 level of insulation. 


The homeowner later notified us that she could feel the difference in both the temperature and her allergies in the first few hours after we had done the work. She and her family will now enjoy a more comfortable, healthier home and reduced heating and cooling costs for the life of their house.

Insulation Upgrade to R38 Using Blown In Fiberglass Insulation in 2000 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

The homeowner contacted us because his house was so warm during the summer, he initially thought there was an issue with his air conditioner. Upon being told that there was nothing wrong with his HVAC unit, he called us to come out and look at his insulation. We inspected his attic and discovered that his insulation was at only about 7 inches, half of the Energy Star recommendation. We decided that an insulation upgrade would be just what he needed to get his home feeling comfortable.


We started by air-sealing visible air leakage points to help prevent air from moving between his attic and his home's living spaces. Next, we blew in premium, fiberglass insulation to a height of 14 inches to bring his attic to the R38 level of protection. 


Because of the insulation upgrade, not only will the homeowner and his family enjoy a more comfortable temperature in their home, but also reduced heating and cooling bills, and an HVAC system that is able to more effectively keep the house cool in the summers and warm in the winters.

Full Attic Restoration in Attic with Old Batting Insulation and Roofing Debris in 2300 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Garrett contacted Tyson Energy Solutions because his house constantly felt hot and stuffy, despite running his air conditioner constantly. He was looking to reduce his cooling costs and make his home more comfortable during the hot summer months. When we inspected his attic, we found that things were a mess. His attic was littered with debris, including old batting insulation, roofing debris, and trash. The few inches of insulation that was present was not evenly installed throughout the attic, causing some areas of his house to be much warmer than others. We determined that an attic restoration was needed to help keep his home cool and reduce his cooling costs.


We began by removing the debris and old insulation. Once the attic was bare, we cleaned and sanitized the space using DSV sanitizer. We then identified potential leakage points where air could travel between the attic and living spaces of the home and sealed them using closed-cell foam. This included top plates, registers, recessed lights, and plumbing and wiring penetrations. Additionally, we installed rodent-proof barriers to keep rodents and other pests out of the attic. Lastly, we blew in 14 inches of premium, fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, bringing the attic up to Energy Star-recommended levels.


As a result of the attic restoration, Garrett and his family will be able to enjoy a cooler, more comfortable home in summer, a warmer home in winter, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 50% for as long as they live in the home.

Full Attic Restoration in 1300 Sq. Ft., 2-Story Home in Fresno, CA

Maryann called us because her home felt exceptionally hot and uncomfortable, particularly in the upstairs portion of her home. When we inspected her attic, we discovered that her insulation was lacking: she only had minimal fiberglass batting insulation in the attic, and it was not installed properly. This meant that the hot attic air was easily able to flow into the living spaces of the home, making it hot. We determined that in order to make Maryann's home more comfortable and energy-efficient, we needed to perform an attic restoration.


We began by removing all of the old batting insulation and debris from the attic. We then cleaned and sanitized the attic using DSV sanitizer in order to eliminate dirt, mold, and other microbes. Next, we air-sealed the attic including top plates, plumbing and wire penetrations, registers, and recessed lights. We further sealed the attic by installing rodent-proof barriers to prevent rodents and other pests from entering the space. Lastly, we blew in fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, or 14 inches. This brought the home up to Energy Star-recommendations.


As a result of our comprehensive attic restoration, Maryann and her family will experience better indoor air quality, a cooler home during summers, a warmer home during winters, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 50% for as long as they live in the home.

Insulation Upgrade to 14 Inches Using Blown-In Fiberglass Insulation in Fresno, CA

The customer faced elevated heating and cooling bills due to having only 4 inches of insulation in the attic. Following the installation of new ductwork, the subsequent measure was to increase the insulation depth to 14 inches, aiming to optimize energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.

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Tyson Energy Solutions
5645 E Westover Ave #101
Fresno, CA 93727
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