Before & After

Tyson Energy Solutions Before & After Photos

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Insulation Upgrade to R38 with Air-Sealing in 1250 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Luke contacted Tyson Energy Solutions because his home was hot and uncomfortable during the scorching summer months in the Central Valley. His air conditioner was constantly running in an attempt to cool his home, but his house was just not able to retain the conditioned air. When we inspected his attic, we discovered that Luke's attic had less than 4 inches of insulation present and was littered with roofing debris. Because his insulation was so low, we could see that there were many holes, gaps, and cracks where air was easily able to flow between his attic and his home's living spaces. We determined that an insulation upgrade was the best option for Luke to achieve his goals of a more comfortable home and reduced cooling bills.


We began the insulation upgrade by air-sealing the visible leakage points using closed-cell foam. We then installed baffles to ensure that the vents in the attic would remain uncovered by the insulation once we blew it in. Proper ventilation is vital for allowing the attic to effectively exhaust the hot air outside of the home. Lastly, we blew in premium, fiberglass insulation to an R38 level.


As a result of the insulation upgrade we performed, Luke and his family will enjoy a cool, comfortable home during summers, a warmer home during winters, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 30% for as long as they reside in the home.

Attic Restoration in 100 Year Old Home -- Clean Up and Rodent Proofing in Fresno, CA

Claudine reached out to us because she'd had an electrician inspect her attic to update her wiring and was told that her insulation was very low. She had noticed that her heating and cooling costs were high and her house constantly felt hot and stuffy during the summer. We came out and inspected her attic and discovered she only had about 4-5 inches of old, cellulose insulation present. She also had evidence of rodent activity. We determined that an attic restoration would best help her achieve a healthy and comfortable home.


We began by sucking out all of the old insulation. We then cleaned and sanitized the attic to remove irritants and contaminants. Next, we installed rodent-proof barriers to keep rodents and other pests out. We simultaneously air-sealed leakage points with closed-cell foam. This included all top plates, wiring and plumbing penetrations, registers, and recessed lights. Lastly, we blew in premium, fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, bringing the attic up to the current Energy Star recommendations.


As a result of the work we did, Claudine will enjoy better indoor air quality, a cool, comfortable home during summer, a warmer home in winter, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 50% for as long as she lives in her home.

R38 Insulation Upgrade Using Blown In Premium, Fiberglass in 1250 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Jeff contacted us because his home was unbearably hot during the summer months. As a result, his air conditioning bill was high because it was constantly battling the heat. When we came out and inspected his attic, we found that there was only about 3 inches of insulation present. To remedy this, we determined that an insulation upgrade was necessary.


We began the upgrade by air-sealing visible leakage points. This helps prevent airflow between the attic and the home's living spaces. Next we blew in premium, fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, Energy Star's recommendation for our climate.


As a result of the insulation upgrade, Jeff and his family will experience a cool, comfortable home during the summers, a warmer home during winters, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 25% for as long as they reside in the home.

Attic Insulation Upgrade with Blown-In, Premium Fiberglass Insulation In Fresno CA

This customer had 6 inches of insulation in the attic. We increased it to 14 inches. 

Attic Restoration to Improve Health, Indoor Air Quality, and Allergies in Fresno, CA

Herman contacted us when his wife's severe allergies forced them to vacate their home. Suspecting the old attic insulation as the culprit, they enlisted our expertise to assess the situation. Our inspection revealed contaminated and dirty insulation, with multiple leakage points allowing attic air and dust into the living space. Taking decisive action, we removed the compromised insulation, meticulously air-sealed the attic floor, and installed can light covers over all recessed lighting for insulation protection and enhanced air sealing. After sanitizing the attic, we upgraded the insulation to R38. With these comprehensive measures, Herman and his wife can now return home to enjoy a healthier indoor environment with cleaner air.

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Our Locations:

Tyson Energy Solutions
5645 E Westover Ave #101
Fresno, CA 93727
Service Area
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