Before & After

Tyson Energy Solutions Before & After Photos

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R38 Insulation Upgrade from 3 Inches to 14 Inches in 1700 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Shirley contacted Tyson Energy Solutions because she was tired of her high cooling costs during the summer. She was annoyed that despite her cooling bills being so high and her air conditioner running non-stop, her house never felt cool and comfortable. We inspected her attic and discovered the issue: she only had about 3 inches of insulation present and roofing debris was littered throughout. We determined that we needed to clean up the roofing debris and perform and insulation upgrade in order to help her with her home's comfort and energy inefficiency.


We began by removing the debris so that we could add insulation to bring her up to an R38 level, the Energy Star-recommended level for our climate. We also air-sealed visible leakage points to help prevent the flow of air between her attic and her home's living spaces. We then blew in fiberglass insulation to a height of 14 inches.


As a result of our insulation upgrade, Shirley now enjoys a cooler, more comfortable home during summer, a warmer home during winter, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 30% for the life of her home.

Insulation Upgrade with Blown In Fiberglass Insulation and Whole House Fan Installation in Fresno, CA

Amy contacted Tyson Energy Solutions because her home had been uncomfortably warm during the summers for years and she was ready to make a change. We inspected her attic and found that her insulation was low -- only 5 inches compared to the recommended 14 inches. We determined that an insulation upgrade to bring her up to Energy Star standards and a whole house fan would greatly improve her life.


We began by sealing visible air leakage points with closed-cell foam to help prevent the hot attic air from flowing into the living spaces of the home. Next, we located the ideal area to place the whole house fan and installed the QuietCool Stealth Pro 5.5. Lastly, we blew in premium fiberglass insulation to a height of 14 inches.


As a result of the insulation upgrade and whole house fan installation, Amy and her family will enjoy reduced cooling costs by up to 90% and a more comfortable temperature in her home year-round for as long as they live in their home.

Insulation Upgrade from Zero Inches to 13 Inches in 1000 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Melanie contacted us because she had a 1000-square-foot mother-in-law suite behind her main house that was constantly hot and stuffy during the summer and frigid during the winter. When we came out and inspected the attic, we discovered that it had no insulation present and was scattered with roofing debris. We determined that an insulation upgrade was needed in order to help Melanie make the home comfortable and also reduce her heating and cooling costs.


We began by air-sealing visible leakage points with closed-cell foam to prevent air from traveling between the attic and the home's living spaces. We then added 13 inches of premium, fiberglass insulation, bringing the attic up to an R38 level, the current Energy Star recommendation.


As a result of the work we did, Melanie and her family will enjoy a cool, comfortable home during summer, and warmer home in winter, and reduced heating and cooling costs by up to 30% for the life of their home.

Insulation Upgrade from 7 Inches to 14 Inches Using Blown In Fiberglass in Fresno, CA

Michael contacted us because his cooling bills were extremely high, yet his home still felt hot and uncomfortable. He was looking to improve his home's comfort and also reduce his cooling costs. When we came and inspected his attic, we found that it only had about 7 inches of insulation present. We determined that an insulation upgrade was the best option to help Michael achieve these goals.


We began by air-sealing visible leakage points in order to prevent air from traveling between the attic and the living spaces of his home. We then blew in fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, bringing the attic up to the Energy Star-recommended level.


As a result of the insulation upgrade, Michael will enjoy a cooler home during summer, a warmer home during winter, and reduced heating and cooling bills by up to 30% for as long as he lives in the home.

Attic Restoration, Whole House Fan, and Smart Gable Attic Fan Installation in 1600 Sq. Ft. Home in Fresno, CA

Linda reached out to us because she was looking to reduce her cooling bills and keep her home cool. It had been a particularly brutal summer, and her bills had been almost double compared to the previous year. When we inspected her attic, we found that she only had about 4-5 inches of old, dirty insulation present. We determined that a comprehensive attic restoration, whole house fan, and attic fan were the perfect trifecta to help her achieve her goals.


We began by sucking out all of the old, dirty insulation. We then cleaned and sanitized the attic using DSV sanitizer. Next, we installed a QuietCool Stealth Pro 5.5 whole house fan and QuietCool Smart Gable Attic Fan. Next, we installed rodent-proof barriers to prevent rodents and other pests from entering the attic. We also thoroughly air-sealed any potential leakage points to prevent air from traveling between the attic and the living spaces of the home. We then blew in fiberglass insulation to an R38 level, bringing the home up to Energy Star recommendations.


As a result of the comprehensive work we did in Linda's home, she will experience a multitude of benefits for as long as she lives in that house: a cooler, more comfortable home during summers, a warmer home during winters, better indoor air quality and less dust, and between a 50%-90% reduction in her heating and cooling costs.

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Our Locations:

Tyson Energy Solutions
5645 E Westover Ave #101
Fresno, CA 93727
Service Area
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